The Mad: A Fracking Fairytale

The Mad: A Fracking Fairytale

DC Arts Center
2438 18th Street NW Washington

It’s a tragedy for the future of humankind when big business and oil prospectors team up with a devious scheme to swindle Miss Amelia, the spinster proprietress of the Café Se Si Bon, out of her beloved café to get to the oil they believe is right under their feet. A believer in the beauty of life and the goodness of people, she is caught unaware of the very real possibility of oil derricks all around her. As her friends attempt to explain diagonal drilling and hydraulic fracturing to her she devises a plan to stop the culprits and punish them for their greed. But does she have the right to do it? Only a conference of her eccentric spinster friends can settle the matter for sure. Absurdity and hilarity ensue as this motley crew sets their sights to save humanity and punish the wicked.

Thru - Mar 21, 2015