The Victorian Ladies' Detective Collective Reviews
The Victorian Ladies' Detective Collective
Washington Post- Recommended
"...The comedy is sometimes brainy (the detectives consult Krafft-Ebing’s “Psychopathia Sexualis” for insight on the killer), sometimes broad (at one point, the women gripe about all the men they’ve seen exposing themselves on public transportation). Amid the laughs, Milton does an impressive job meting out plot twists. A serial-killer mystery can’t be easy to pull off in a small-cast play with a single set, yet the tension builds steadily here."
DC Theater Arts- Highly Recommended
"...For those who like their mystery with a feminist touch, The Victorian Ladies’ Detective Collective at the Washington Stage Guild will be the perfect entertainment. It is London, the Hunter Lodging House, in the fall of 1893. Images of Sherlock Holmes, the gaslit, mysterious city, and the ever-present threat of violence come to mind."
MD Theatre Guide- Recommended
"...Director Morgan Duncan’s production of Patricia Milton’s “The Victorian Ladies’ Detective Collective” at the Washington Stage Guild is a spirited and impeccably performed show that rises above the sometimes uneven script."