The Madwoman of Chaillot
2700 S. Lang Street Arlington
Before Occupy Wall Street had occupied so much as a park bench, Countess Aurelia was giving the One Percent the what for, with the kind of relish and wit you just can't capture with a hashtag. The Countess is the titular crazy lady in The Madwoman of Chaillot, a delightfully satirical stage fable from Jean Giraudoux, one of France's most stylish and beloved playwrights. In this 1943 comedy, Aurelia happens upon a plot to uproot Paris to search for oil beneath its boulevards. She rallies several other oddballs, outcasts and madwomen in a bid to defeat the greedy developers, resulting in comic commentary that grows more relevant by the day. Now WSC Avant Bard stages a brand new translation of this timeless classic by Laurence Senelick.
Presented by WSC Avant Bard
Thru - Jun 28, 2015