Back to the Future: The Musical Reviews
DC Theater Arts- Somewhat Recommended
"...Joe Papp, the famed founder of New York City's Public Theater, long believed in the value of theater as a democracy that could bring people together. Back to the Future: The Musical fulfills that vision; it is a 150-minute nostalgia trip, now on a national tour, that fills the Kennedy Center's Opera House with young and old. Yet the show, while fun and unflinchingly loyal to the eponymous 1985 film, is not good theater."
Washington City Paper- Recommended
"...Thankfully, the DeLorean sequences are given plenty of room to breathe, and that is telling. They are, as the cheers will attest, what many folks are there to see: the whiz-bang wonders of American pop culture cinema revisited. In that, Back to the Future: The Musical delivers beyond your wildest dreams. It’s just a pity we don’t have the option to power up our flux capacitors and skip over the rest."
MD Theatre Guide- Highly Recommended
"...The final numbers, “The Power of Love” (Marty, Jennifer, Goldie, and Company) and “Back in Time” (Marty, Doc, and Company), feature stunning elements that end the show on an indescribable high. I’ll leave these moments for you to discover as you run, not walk, to the Kennedy Center Opera House."
BroadwayWorld- Highly Recommended
"...The car performs the biggest, best, most imaginative onstage special effects seen in live theatre since that first cat went up up up up to the Heavyside Layer. It absolutely convinces that it can easily reach the required 88 miles per hour. The list of talented designers responsible for the dazzling mise en scène consists of Tim Hatley (Scenic Design), Finn Ross (Video Design), Tim Lutkin and Hugh Vanstone (Lighting Design), and Chris Fisher (Illusion Design--love that title)"