Flying V Presents Heroes and Monsters This Month

What makes a hero a hero and a monster a monster? Can one be both? Is it merely perception and point of view? Working off the success of last year's, Flying V Fights: Love is a Battlefield, which was described as "sexy, visceral, and physical", Flying V is concocting another, all original, ensemble based, devised theatrical mix-tape of staged violence and sonic power. From the colorful, skintight super heroes of the sky, to the monsters under the bed; from real life saviors of the day, to the abusive parent at home and terror around the corner, Flying V Fights: Heroes & Monsters dives head first into those we admire and fear -- and why.
Conceived and directed by Jonathan Ezra Rubin* and Jason Schlafstein*, the production will star Tori Bertocci, Robert Bowen Smith, Jon Jon Johnson, Lee Liebeskind, Tim Torre, Ryan Tumulty, Madeline Whiting and Emily Whitworth. On the production team are Andrew Berry*, Jonathan Ezra Rubin*, Sasha Goldstein, Brittany Graham*, Neil McFadden*, Andrea "Dre" Moore*, Dan Mori*, Kristen Pilgrim, Megan Reichelt*, Jason Schlafstein*, Tia Shearer Bassett*, Kristin A. Thompson* and Heather Whitpan*. Flying V is dedicated to inspiring adventure and is the proud recipient of the 2015 John Aniello Award for Outstanding, Emerging Theatre Company. Flying V is excited to be your outstanding emerging theater and our second production of 2015 won't disappoint. Tickets are on sale now! Performances will run at The Writer's Center - 4508 Walsh St, Bethesda, MD 20815 - tonight, June 11, 2015 - June 28, 2015. Metered Parking is Available Out Front, and a short walk from The Bethesda Metro. Tickets are $15 and can be purchased in advance at
Flying V is here to make the kind of theatre that inspires you to go out and have an adventure of your own. We are an exciting, ensemble based company dedicated to the development of vibrant original work and offbeat contemporary plays. Inspired by genre fiction, comic books, and other modern mythologies, we produce work that embraces high concept situations without sacrificing the emotional resonance of real characters in intimate moments. The company is made of a core of multi-disciplinary theatre practitioners committed to productions of engaging, high impact theatricality and fearless content. We are your local indie theatre. Expect Awesome. Be Awesome.