Dreams and Discord

Dreams and Discord

1835 14th Street, NW Washington

An evening of 10 Minute Plays. CHOOSING YOU By Rachel Lynette Directed by Lex Davis As Aurora moves through her day, she considers the two very different lives she might have lived. EVERLAST By Francesca Pazniokas Directed by Sarah Scafidi Two characters must decide what they are willing to sacrifice to achieve their goal of climbing Mt. Everest. HANS & ELSIE By Alyssa Wilden Directed by Gus Heagerty Elsie is so busy imagining the worst that she misses the best. RIDING LESSONS By Brett Hursey Directed by Lex Davis A man with a clown walks into a bar... THE METH IN METHOD By Tommy Partl Directed by Sarah Scafidi A typical 9 to 5 corporate office, that sells meth. THE RED LIGHT By David L. Williams Directed by Gus Heagerty In a country under constant surveillance, Eva and Charly have entered an illegal relationship, and today they must decide whether to escape as planned or give up their dreams forever.

Presented by Source Festival

Thru - Jul 2, 2016